As The Crow Flies is
the first book featuring DI Nick Dixon. He is a quiet man who requested a
transfer back to his home area instead of staying in London and working his way
up the administrative ladder. Now he has a small place that needs furniture, a
dog, and the peace and quiet of the countryside. Of course he also is on the
trail of a team of burglars who keep breaking into the houses of the recently
deceased. Now he has what appears to him to be the suspicious death of an old
friend. Before it is over he will find himself dealing with a smuggling
operation, drug dealers, and a killer who won’t go down easy. Boyd’s is an excellent stylist. He brings his
characters to life and allows them to develop as the story goes on. The book is
full of great characters who you feel you want to know better.
As I read this book I couldn’t help but think that this story
and these characters are perfect for a BBC mystery series. This is the kind of
detective drama that so many of us have come to know and love over the
years. I read a lot of books. Usually
over 150 per year. Some of the books are old friends, most are new. The
majority of books that I have read I doubt that I will ever read again. Damian
Boyd’s DI Nick Dixon novels fall into that rare category of books that I will definitely
read and enjoy again and again over the years. I look forward to more in this series. I
suggest that you order this book right now. It is the perfect book to take with
you on summer holiday. It is also the perfect book to curl up with in your
favorite reading chair. In other words, it is just a great book.